Lyndsie M. Koon, Ph.D.

- Associate Director, Research and Training Center on Independent Living
- Assistant Professor
Contact Info
1000 Sunnyside Ave.
Lawrence, KS 66045
Biography —
Lyndsie Koon joined the RTC as Associate Director in October 2019. She holds a PhD in Sport and Exercise Science, with a focus on the social psychology of sport and physical activity, from the University of Northern Colorado. She comes to the RTC after serving as a post-doctoral research associate at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Her research explored the exercise challenges and needs of adults aging with long-term mobility and sensory disabilities and evaluated the potential of various technologies to support and motivate physical activity participation. At the RTC, she will focus on physical activity and disability and assist with measuring the impact of the Home usability and Out and About interventions on participants' home usability, community engagement, problem-solving skills, and self determination.
Exercise Resources Compiled by Dr. Koon
Ph.D., Sport and Exercise Science, University of Northern Colorado, 2017
M.S., Sport and Exercise Science, University of Memphis, 2007
B.S., Sport and Exercise Science, Arkansas State University, 2005
Selected Publications —
Koon, L.M. Hall, J.P. Arnold, K.A. Donnelly, J.E. Heinrich, K.M. (2023) High-Intensity Functional Training: Perceived Functional and Psychosocial Health-Related Outcomes from Current Participants with Mobility-Related Disabilities. Sports, 11, 116.
Koon, L., Greiman, L., Schulz, J., Goddard, K., Nzuki, I., & Hall, J. P. (2021). Examining the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on community participation for people with mobility disabilities. Disability and Health Journal. 101212. doi:
Greiman, L., Koon, L., Schulz, J. A., & Nary, D. (2021). A usable home: A qualitative investigation of the relationship between home usability and community participation for people with disabilities. Disability and Health Journal, 101211. doi:
Remillard, E. T., Campbell, M. L., Koon, L. M., & Rogers, W. A. (2021). Transportation challenges for persons aging with mobility disability: Qualitative insights and policy implications. Disability and Health Journal, 101209.
Koon, L. M., Remillard, E. T., Mitzner, T. L., & Rogers, W. A. (2020). Aging Concerns, Challenges, and Everyday Solution Strategies (ACCESS) for Adults Aging with a Long-Term Mobility Disability. Disability and Health Journal, 100936.
Koon, L.M., Brustad, R.J., & Babkes Stellino, M. (2019). Social Engagement and Task Complexity: Physical Activity Characteristics and Executive Function among Older Adults. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine. Special Issue: Research of Exercise and Cognitive Function.
Koon, L.M., McGlynn, S.A., Blocker, K.A., & Rogers, W.A. (2019). Perceptions of Digital Assistants from Early Adopters Aged 55+. Ergonomics in Design.
Koon, L.M., Brustad, R.J., & Babkes Stellino, M. (2017). A Taxonomy to Aid in the Design of Complex Physical Activities for Older Adults. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.
Davies, M., Koon (Coleman), L.M., & Babkes Stellino, M. (2016). The Relationship Between Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Behavioral Regulation in CrossFit. The Journal of Sport Behavior.