Jean P. Hall, Ph.D.

- Director, Research and Training Center on Independent Living
Contact Info
1000 Sunnyside Ave.
Lawrence, KS 66045
Biography —
Jean P. Hall, Ph.D., is the director of the Research and Training Center on Independent Living and the Institute for Health and Disability Policy Studies. She is the principal investigator (PI) for the Research and Training Center on Promoting Interventions for Community Living, a NIDILRR-funded project, and the PI for the Kansas Disability & Health Program, a CDC-funded project which seeks to improve access to health promotion activities and services for Kansans with disabilities. Dr. Hall is also a professor in the Department of Applied Behavioral Science.
Dr. Hall received her Ph.D. in Disability Studies and has an extensive background in the evaluation of health care programs, especially for people with disabilities or chronic illnesses. She has published numerous scholarly articles in such journals as Inquiry, American Journal of Managed Care, Journal of Disability Policy Studies, Disability and Health Journal, Journal of Public Health Dentistry, Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, Health Care Financing Review, and American Journal of Public Health. Moreover, her research has been cited in numerous national media including the New York Times, Washington Post, National Public Radio, ABC News, BusinessWeek and Health Affairs.
Dr. Hall's research has included private, state, and federal projects related to health care and employment for people with disabilities or chronic illnesses in the employment, Medicaid, Medicare and high-risk pool systems.
She welcomes the opportunity to work with graduate students on the Lawrence or KUMC campuses. Her research interests include:
- Health care policy for people with disabilities/chronic illnesses Medicaid/Medicare
- High-Risk pools
- Federal disability programs
- Underinsurance and access to care
- Program evaluation integrating quantitative and qualitative methods
- Disability studies as a formal academic field
Ph.D., Disability Studies, University of Kansas, 2003
M.S., Geology, University of Kansas, 1991
B.S., Geology, University of South Carolina, 1985
Selected Publications —
Hall, J.P., LaPierre, T.A., Kurth, N.K. (October 2018). Oral Health Needs and Experiences of Medicaid Enrollees With Serious Mental Illness. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2018.05.013.
Hall, J. P., Shartzer A., Kurth N. K., Thomas, K. C. (July 2018). Medicaid expansion as an employment incentive program for people with disabilities. American Journal of Public Health. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2018.304536.
Meucci, M. R., Kurth, N. K., Shireman, T. I., Hall, J. P. (2018). Availability of Medicaid home and community based services for older Americans and people with physical disabilities. Home Health Services Quarterly.
Thomas, K. C., Shartzer, A., Kurth, N.K., Hall, J. P. (2017). Impact of ACA health reforms for people with mental health conditions. Psychiatric Services. doi:10.1176/
Hall, J. P., Kurth, N. K., LaPierre, T. (2017). Kansas Medicaid: Evaluating Program Satisfaction, Access to Care, and Unmet Needs of Adults with Serious Mental Illness Project Final Report (PDF). 2017. Psychiatry Online.
Hall, J. P., Ipsen, C., Kurth, N.K., Chambless, C., McCormick, S., & Goe, R. (2018). Under-representation of certain disability groups by the American Community Survery (ACS). Disability and Health Journal, 11(3). 447-450. doi: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2017.06.001.
LaPierre, T.A., Zimmerman, M.K., & Hall, J. P. (2017). "Paying the price to get there": Motherhood and the dynamics of pregnancy deliberations among women with disabilities. Disability and Health Journal, 10(3), 419-425. doi: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2017.02.011.
Hall, J. P. (2017). High-Risk Pools: An Illusion of Coverage that May Increase Costs for All in the Long Term. Annals of Internal Medicine. doi: 10.7326/M17-1196.
Hall, J. P. (2017). High-Risk Pools for People with Pre-Existing Conditions: A Refresher Course. The Commonwealth Fund Blog, March 29, 2017.
Hall, J. P., Shartzer, A. , Kurth, N.K., & Thomas, K.C. (2016). Effect of Medicaid expansion on workforce participation for people with disabilities. American Journal of Public Health. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2016.303543.
Hall, J. P. (2015). Why High Risk Pools (Still) Won't Work. The Commonwealth Fund Blog, February 13, 2015.
Hall, J. P. (2015). Health care access for working people with disabilities: Medicaid Buy-in. Reforming Social Security’s disability benefits system (pp. 31-41). Washington, DC: National Council on Disability.
Hall, J. P., Kurth, N.K., Chapman, S.C, & Shireman, T.I. (2015). Medicaid managed care: Issues for beneficiaries with disabilities. Disability and Health Journal, 8(1), 130-135.
Hall, J. P. (2014, December). Realizing Health Reform’s Potential: Why a National High-Risk Insurance Pool Is Not a Workable Alternative to the Marketplace, The Commonwealth Fund.
Hall, J. P., Kurth, N.K., & Averett, E.P. (2014). Asset building: One way the Affordable Care Act may improve health and employment outcomes for people with disabilities. Journal of Disability Policy Studies [Online first. DOI: 10.1177/1044207314544370].
Thomas, K.C., & Hall, J. P. (2014). The Medicaid Medically Improved Group: Losing disability status and growing earnings. Medicare and Medicaid Research Review, 4(1), E1-E13.
Hall, J. P. (2013). Dually-eligible working-age adults with disabilities: Issues and challenges as health reform is implemented. Disability and Health Journal. [online first] DOI: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2013.01.004.
Hall, J. P., Kurth, N.K. & Hunt, S. (2013). Employment as a health determinant for working-age, dually-eligible people with disabilities. Disability and Health Journal. [online first]. DOI: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2012.11.001.